This is Ansara at her first doll event, she's sitting on the front left hand side wearing a kimono that was loaned to her by a wonderful person who's name I don't remember but hopefully will soon see again and can then tell you all about her and the other great doll people i have met by joining Kukla's Dollhouse group on live journal. It was the most fun that I have had in years, i can not wait until the next event! This was from Easter weekend, sorry it took me so long to post it... currently we have two projects going for Ansara, the building of a closet or traveling garment box/storage and sheets to cover her bed. I lost the chords to my little Janome sew mini so I can get nothing done until I find them. Next week during my first off week from work the plan is to start simple and small and make her 1 pair of white socks, 1 pair of white tights and one pair of white stockings... i wonder how to make a garter belt.. for those stockings.... any suggestions?